Introducing Ellie & Thatch!

Chuck and Rebecca Kotuby are pleased to announced the long awaited arrival of the Twins
Ellie Marie was born on Thursday, August 24, at 8:05pm, and weighed in at 6lbs 8oz.. Thatcher Thomas was born soon thereafter at 8:07, and weighed in at 6lbs even.
The first picture below is Thatch. Many people say he looks like his Dad (with the red hair), and eats like him too. He has more of his mom's temperament, though; generally easy going, cuddly, and only fussy when something's wrong.

Ellie, on the other hand, looks like Mom and acts like Dad. She is very independant and generally self-soothing. She has a long fuse on her temper, but, when that fuse reaches its end, look out!! Dad and Ellie are already butting-heads; she has a cry which, as Dad describes it, "burns the soul." It sounds especially nice after the 3 a.m. feeding.

Since arriving home last Monday, both have enjoyed long afternoon naps on the couch with Mom and Dad, and long nights awake too. Thank God Dad is on paternity leave for a few weeks. We are all still trying to get to know each other.

Ellie and Thatch have had lots of visitors at their house, too. Everyone was in the hospital to welcome them into the world. Grandma and Grandpa Grisetti, along with Uncle Marcus, were here when when they got home last Monday. Grandma and Grandpa Kotuby visited over Labor Day, as did Uncle Clint. Aunt Carrie and Uncle Mark have stopped by to meet them as well. Ellie and Thatch are looking forward to visiting everyone in Pennsylvania in a few weeks.

We will try to keep this blog updated weekly with new pictures and adventures, but that necessarily depends upon how cooperative Ellie and Thatch want to be at nighttime. Wish us all luck; we need it!!