Frustration and Joy
The past two weeks have been filled with wide shifts in frustration and joy at the newly-expanded Kotuby household. For the first few nights, Becky and I are reasonably certain that they collude in their crib nightly to piss Dad off, with great success. After the midnight feeding, Thatch would take his turn of staying awake until the 3a.m. session. By the time that feeding was done at 4, Ellie would take the reins and close out the night at 6. Mom and Dad would finally get some rest when the sun came up, with some gratuitiuos sleep until the kids' breakfast at 9. Two whole hours, 120 minutes ....whoop di doo.
What evidence do we have of their malevolent collusion? We picked up on this conversation between Thatch an Ellie last night at around 9p.m. "I'll keep the old man up first, and you take the second shift." Gotta love those NSA-sanctioned baby monitors.

After Dad spent two sleepless nights rocking babies to sleep while searching the internet for methods of Hari Kari and ways to deny paternity in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the twins finally decided that he had had enough. Two nights in a row they ate magnificantly and immediately fell asleep, allowing Mom and Dad a whole 6 hours of slumber. Victory....or so it seemed. Last night the collusion began again, and Mom and Dad are sleepy today.
Now, in the middle of the afternoon, Dad can hear Mom downstairs trying to feed Ellie, and shouting "wake up!" They love to sleep during the day. Little monsters.
Here's a new picture of "Dad and his Irish Half Pint" -- A fresh keg of homebrewed Guinness on tap in the basement is the only way we are getting by these days. Thatch will have to wait at least another 2 months to enjoy a homebrew with his Dad. House rules.

In the meantime, the adventures continue. Gramdma and Grandpa Grisetti visted this weekend, and we took the kids to Pat Troy's Irish Pub for dinner. Thatch had his daiper changed at the bar, and I assured him that, if the apple falls relatively close to the tree, this will the be the first of many times he's naked in a bar. We then went for a long walk through the Old Town Art festival. It was overheard from an anonymous passer-by looking into the stroller that "there is the best work of art I've seen all day." I need to invite that guy over for a midnight feeding to adjust his opinion........
Blogging:) You guys are bringing them up right! We're very happy that they arrived safely and to see such cute pictures! Great News!!
Greg, Anne, and Sophia
got news for you guys, i always considered 3 hours of sleep each night a great achievement with twins, the norm for me was about 40-60 minutes a night, which lasted for the better part of the first year!!! cindy!
oh, and they are absolutely adorable, it will all be worth it in the end. take care and good luck! cindy.
Hey! No one told me about the fresh Guiness! I'll baby sit every day now. Nice site guys can't wait to see them.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Charlie and Becky,
I really enjoyed seeing you guys(it's been way too long) and the precious twins. They are beautiful and I look forward to many more visits with you and your family. I'm glad Uncle Andy called me to come over. Hope your sleepless nights are getting fewer in between.
Chuck & Becky,
Congratulations! They are absolutely adorable, and we can't wait to see them.
...and Chuck you thought dealing with Jasen as a roommate in college would be the toughest thing you ever did...
Hope to see you soon,
Brent & Becky
Becky--Who knew that you would make such adorable children?? Seriously, those two are absolutely precious. Congratulations!
Love Ya!
Congrats! Haven't seen you much in the last couple of years Bec, but seems you've been busy. :) Hopefully I'll get to squeeze a baby, or two, the next time you're in PA. Keep Gram Vera posted on when that'll be..and I'll drive down. Well, off to bed early......
Your slightly evil cousin,
Nikki (
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